Wednesday 10 September 2008

Recruit to Private


Something we've been shouting for without fail for the past 3 months...
Its already 3 months in Kestrel Coy and we've finally come to the end of the BMT... Sorry Eagle guys, you are still recruits keeping our rifles after our POP parade.. :p

its been fun in Kestrel coy except for some MFCB... bt overall it was fun meeting new buddies...
first friend i had met was Jon.. pretty siao on with him until some part where i slack down alot... Had chong as my close buddy... bloody funny guy and we've been helping eachother buying stuff throughout BMT... haha.. then came the buddy who i do stupid things and get into trouble with, Reddy.. haha.. the last sunday of BMT was our biggest laughter man... got into trouble with jackson and got ourselves and our bed wet like shit... haha..

Come our commanders...

First commander i met was 3SGT Fazli, haha.. super playful sergeant who i joke with the first minute i saw him.. then came PS Alvin.. found out that hes an ACSian and he told me PC is also and ACSian... yeah! haha.. SGT Alvin is someone who never wipe that smile of his off even when he is angry.. i don't know why.. this really makes it funny when he scolds everyone and after the effing session we have from him, everyone will start mocking him.. i mean the way he eff us is also very unique... memorable things like, which part of DON'T MOVE you don't understand?! and start spelling out the words... I think you guys want to talk to the floor right... maybe the sky wants to talk to you more.... FUCKED UP!!! haha.. the common ones... will never forget... then came 3SGT Shao Ming... always with that phrase SURE OR NOT? Always try to run away from him, coz hes the CQ of the company and when it comes to him means Sai Kang is comming.. haha.. bt hes a nice guy lah... and our Sect. Comm SGT Fairuz... super quiet and dangerous man who just makes us do drills and drills and more drills... like 10second adjust in height, 10seconds knock it down, 10 seconds smokers non smokers, 10 seconds muslim non muslim.... WTF!!! haha.. but still hes a nice guy...
Finally came the crazy guy who always shouts "ALA KER POM POR!" CPT Erzwin Yem... Super crazy guy.. remembered 4th day only we had OCPT which is alot more tough than the enhanced training... and once in awhile he will start to do things like 3 sets of 50 counts of 4 jumping jacks, 20 counts of 4 push ups, 20 counts of 4 crunches, 20 counts of 4 bridge and many many more... the enhanced jaguar guys see already also cheer for us.. coz they know that they cant tahan his training too... haha...
BUT BUT BUT! the one and only commander i will respect the most is the "MOTHER F*CKING CH** BY*'s" BMT buddy.. haha.. 2LT Peh.. first night he already told us his buddy in bmt was a MFCB.... he really gains respect from me coz i see him from a different point of view.. as an instructor myself i see leaders from a different point of view.. LT Peh is super firm but he still makes friends with the recruits and blend in with us very well.. it is always difficult to be both the bad and the good guy.. it take alot of skill to do it and i am still working on it at work...

well stay tuned for the POP pictures to come...

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