Wednesday 13 February 2008

Unity Kidnapped

Went into JBAC today for fun. It was unity primary school again.. Ohwells its another day of chats and catching up and of cause kidnap activity with the unity kids...
Went in and hang around, then sent Cyril out for supper... As usual, took orders and went out to buy for the rest of the instructors... Went around asking those who i know and eventually bought quite abit of stuff... Appriciated them in different ways and decided not to collect money from them, although one of them passed me cash before i went to buy.. Well, just thought that its time to appriciate my friends, since its Valentines' Day too... haha...
Had a good 20minutes chat with treviz after the long debrief... Could tell that the camp was pretty 'chui' and that explains the long debrief... Catch up with treviz and updated him some stuff and laughed over curtain stuff... Treviz you know what i am talking abt... and apprantly i found out something from treviz with his super good observation skills... i think i know what to do to what he had observe.. If you want to know, come ask me yourself...
Then went for a stick with some of them and headed home...

Gotta Sign off Now

Instructor Alfred

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Gatherings Gatherings and more Gatherings

This year has been an eventful year for the new instructors and myself to start with... Since there was 3 birthdays in the midst of the CNY season, we met almost everyday...
First was Ahmad's birthday... It was at this cute cafe called Miss Clarity Cafe.. I was late, and OH YEAH SUPER LATE... haha.. but managed to reach there for desserts at IceKimo just down the road... Then went to a chill out place for drinks and games... it was a great session getting to know the instructors better as well...
Miss Clarity Cafe
Then to Patrick's birthday... It was planned as a uniform party and a group of us wore our school uniforms. Met everyone else in PS and Yes i was late again.. haa... Went down with ziyang and realised that it was really a uniform party, so my spare clothes in my bag was useless... It was a good time in TCC, as we were remembering abt our secondary school life.. It was then, when i found out that Person A was on his usual mission again.. Initially i thought i was thinking too much, then i asked the rest to observe him, then we confirmed that he was doing something funny. What a screwed up arsehole... But anyways, the photos for our uniform gang meeting are not up yet, i will post them up as soon as i get them from hsien zhuan...
Then went to Glass House for fish and co.. 40 people into fish and co.. it was a good session i think.. well i think for this session, let the photos do the talking.

The uniform party people at dinner...

The big taupok session Birthday Boy in his red underwear (Camofludged by his shorts)
Alrighty, shall post the gatherings of chinese new year the next time...
Signing off
Instructor Alfred

Monday 11 February 2008

Starting off 2008

Kicked off at Katong Convent in 2008... My first camp of the year...


It was pretty scary at first, coz my group was damn damn down.. Maybe coz it was just the 2nd day of school, class rep was not chosen yet, student councillors could not handle the students, students were not bonded enough.. (Ohwells! Thats why we are there for)

It was a big task for me and adha to bond the class...

When i walked into class, there were pockets of comments... AS USUAL! NV SEE GUYS BEFORE! (It was vice-versa in ACS during my school days though)

I gave them 5 minutes to change into their PE attire and BOOM! They started changing in class.. I was purely stunned!! ohwells it really felt totally like the opposite of ACS... Whatever we did in school last time, they do it in school too...

First time doing Multi-Level Captain's Ball... Heard abt it several times, and thought that chicken was nothing.. Bt when i got the chicken in my hand, i suddenly felt damn disgusted! hahas.. Apprantly the girls were super high over throwing the chicken... LOL!!!

It was just fun lahs!

Heres a shot in KC

Signing Off
Instructor Alfred

Sunday 10 February 2008

Alfred The Instructor

Ohwells Ohwells Ohwells!
I'm back on blogger again...

Decided to start this blog as life in Camp is getting too happening and decided to start blogging again... Its gonna be a blog for me to trash and remember all the things that happened in with the fellow instructors...

It had been a week since i got active with the instructors again... YES and a year had past since i was hanging around with the previous batch before it died down... Its just like a daejavu when i see everything coming back on track again. But ohwell, nothing feels better than virgin friends... You get it? The first camp which i did together with Potato, Udrena, Shalon, Timothy, Amanda, Alex, Andrew, Jane, Eunice and the rest at East View Sec 2006 in Bottle Tree. Not that the friends now are not good, but i've got to admit that the new group of friends that i've made from the instructors seems to be more bonded. I feel closer with them when i go out with them talking abt stuff and what not...

Shall Continue soon...

Signing Off
Instructor Hippo...