Monday 11 February 2008

Starting off 2008

Kicked off at Katong Convent in 2008... My first camp of the year...


It was pretty scary at first, coz my group was damn damn down.. Maybe coz it was just the 2nd day of school, class rep was not chosen yet, student councillors could not handle the students, students were not bonded enough.. (Ohwells! Thats why we are there for)

It was a big task for me and adha to bond the class...

When i walked into class, there were pockets of comments... AS USUAL! NV SEE GUYS BEFORE! (It was vice-versa in ACS during my school days though)

I gave them 5 minutes to change into their PE attire and BOOM! They started changing in class.. I was purely stunned!! ohwells it really felt totally like the opposite of ACS... Whatever we did in school last time, they do it in school too...

First time doing Multi-Level Captain's Ball... Heard abt it several times, and thought that chicken was nothing.. Bt when i got the chicken in my hand, i suddenly felt damn disgusted! hahas.. Apprantly the girls were super high over throwing the chicken... LOL!!!

It was just fun lahs!

Heres a shot in KC

Signing Off
Instructor Alfred

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