Wednesday 13 February 2008

Unity Kidnapped

Went into JBAC today for fun. It was unity primary school again.. Ohwells its another day of chats and catching up and of cause kidnap activity with the unity kids...
Went in and hang around, then sent Cyril out for supper... As usual, took orders and went out to buy for the rest of the instructors... Went around asking those who i know and eventually bought quite abit of stuff... Appriciated them in different ways and decided not to collect money from them, although one of them passed me cash before i went to buy.. Well, just thought that its time to appriciate my friends, since its Valentines' Day too... haha...
Had a good 20minutes chat with treviz after the long debrief... Could tell that the camp was pretty 'chui' and that explains the long debrief... Catch up with treviz and updated him some stuff and laughed over curtain stuff... Treviz you know what i am talking abt... and apprantly i found out something from treviz with his super good observation skills... i think i know what to do to what he had observe.. If you want to know, come ask me yourself...
Then went for a stick with some of them and headed home...

Gotta Sign off Now

Instructor Alfred

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