Sunday 10 February 2008

Alfred The Instructor

Ohwells Ohwells Ohwells!
I'm back on blogger again...

Decided to start this blog as life in Camp is getting too happening and decided to start blogging again... Its gonna be a blog for me to trash and remember all the things that happened in with the fellow instructors...

It had been a week since i got active with the instructors again... YES and a year had past since i was hanging around with the previous batch before it died down... Its just like a daejavu when i see everything coming back on track again. But ohwell, nothing feels better than virgin friends... You get it? The first camp which i did together with Potato, Udrena, Shalon, Timothy, Amanda, Alex, Andrew, Jane, Eunice and the rest at East View Sec 2006 in Bottle Tree. Not that the friends now are not good, but i've got to admit that the new group of friends that i've made from the instructors seems to be more bonded. I feel closer with them when i go out with them talking abt stuff and what not...

Shall Continue soon...

Signing Off
Instructor Hippo...

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