Sunday 2 March 2008

Suqun Secondary School; Normal Technical is NEVER useless..

Went down to Suqun Sec quite a few times... Well first when i sent Z in and that, when we reached, it was kidnapped already... and the first sight of the school was TERRIBLE! i capped the word terrible for a reason..

At that time i knew that definately my friend needs help along the way, but there was A at that moment so i left it to him since he has been with the group for the whole day... Went on to join my secondary school friends for mj... Next day, i was supposed to be studying for my exams on monday! bt i decided to go into jbac to check out if the camp was going alright. Stepped in, everything was pretty fine until when i stepped into the CRC! saw Z and remembered she giving me the face of, HELP! and i knew what was going on. I pulled her class to the huts and spoke to them... After talking for quite sometime, i suddenly realised some thing... 3 monkeys were missing! i was super duper pissed... shouted at them, and still give me that soft reply which made me boil even more. this time i raised my voice to the extend that i think even the poor soldiers outside JBAC could hear me. I think it was the time i not only scare the students, even the instructor beside me was scared also... and she claimed that she felt it funny shortly after that. Bt after the talk, i found out that they were better and i asked Z to lead them in their campfire item.. Indeed there were improvements... Went out to jurong with the rest in the night and i managed to go home to get my waterbottles for some instructors who i bought coke for... (Plus oreo...) haas.... went back shortly after that..

This day, a sunday i was stiill supposed to be studying! But i decided to go into JBAC again... c'mon people, you see the passion... Went in and it was raining but the activities were still on... The highlight for this was was not the activities, it was really more on the campfire. Initially it was like some other ordinary campfire, but in the end it turned out to be a unique one.

Like the older generation of instructors and chief always say, the campfire will be the time which reflacts on the camp. It ended up to be an emotional one for these 3 simple reasons:

1. The instructors really made a difference in the students' life

2. its a 4D3N camp. They will definately feel more attached from any other 3D2N

3. some BIMBOS just cry for the sake of crying which influenced the others to cry..

The song which you are listening to now in the background of this blog, i had never thought it was so meaningful until Chief J started singing it. Everyone started singing, while the rest started crying. how emotional the campfire was... I almost cried coz the group of 18 N(T) boys really touched me. Never seen a group of N(T) boys cry before. Looking at Z debriefing them both during the campfire and at the canteen, i could tell that she really loves the group of guys just for one simple reason, they are awesome! Joined them in the debrief in the canteen, i spoke to them on my life story being a screwed up student, leading screwed up life in back in my teenage years and eventually becoming the outstanding student of ITE and making it into the papers. I really hoped that they will be touched and really go for that extra mile to become successful.

Ohwells. anyway got to go now... Z is late for fajar sec, gonna send her there...

Final words to the Suqun boys i spoke to,

never give up, if a screwed up boy i was could turn out into an outstanding student in ITE, Bowling Champion in ITE for 3 years, Leaders' Chairman, Bowling captain for 4 years, having one of the best projects in ITE, being the best in whatever i do and not anyone or anything pull me down coz i am a N(T) student, i am sure you too can do it. All the best!

Final words to Z,

You have done very well in suqun sec. Keep it up! Thanks for letting me have sometime with this bunch of young man here...

Signing Off

Instructor Alfred

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