Monday 31 March 2008

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Back from Westwood few days back and i sould say it was a camp which i had nt given my best. I thought maybe i am just too old to continue camps as an instructor... Its one of my worst camp i believe, not because of the students but myself. Old not as age, but i think my limit of doing camps is almost reaching... Westwood was a camp that i had not given my best and as i was recflacting on my own doings for the whole camp in the carpark of JBAC during dinner, there was one thing i told myself, i've been such a gonner in the camp already, i must really give a good shot during campfire. and indeed i gave my best for campfire... Spoke to some instructors abt it and they disagree abt what i feel and instead agreed that it was coz of another reason... ohwells... i have yet to find out the reason people. but at least after campfire, when i had a chat with veron, i found out that at least i have a difference from the actual camp and the campfire. at least someone sees the difference.

I also told myself that since i've done by best for campfire, why not let me just give it all out on the last day. no harm though... and i believe that it was a good area cleaning on my side for the campfire pit, no doubt its my best place and favrioute place to clean...

Anyway people, i will be seen in the scene lesser as i have found another job somewhere in town...

I've made times for the following camps:

9-11 Apr - Tanglin Secondary School (MUST DO!!! So far my best school in my Camp HA life)

14-16 Apr - Nan Hua Primary School (First Aider... Save Lives!)

24-26 Apr - CHIJ Saint Nicholas Girls' School (Fore see a power pack camp)

Oh people gimme one veron clap! *Clap* ROAR!!!!

Signing Off

Instructor Alfred

PS I just realised that this entry is only updated half way.. many more happenings... Will update them again... Late for Work!@!!!

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