Sunday 16 March 2008

ITE Tampines Camp

Hougang campfire was good, everyone was superb... after that, i had to leave JBAC... some students tried to be funny going against us when we were just trying to get them to sleep... They just need to get it from me and i gave them a warning. after several warnings, they still did the same thing, making noise and stuff, i was so pissed off that i had to make them out of the huts and scare them abit. FIRST TIME in my career that i had to do this. After everything was done, wanted to get a cab to get out and prepare for ITE camp... and guess what, NO CAB!!! wth, no cab on a bloody thursday night... had no choice bt to ask the centre manager to give me a lift home... He was nice enough that he sent me all the way back home.. Thanks Dude!

Reached home at abt 3 plus and managed to wash and pack my stuff by 4, went to sleep and woke up at 6am to meet the instructors by 7.30... (Thats how Instructors live their lives...)
Was the senior of the school plus an instructor, which made things easier for me, as i know people from both sides. First day was rather dry and tiring in the head coz i was raining while the whole day was mostly soft skills stuff... 2 Instructors came in for passion in the night... Both are my disciples, K and U came down and they helped out for the whole 2nd day...

Belaying, Nature Rumble, MLC, Trolley Party, Campfire were some things that the instructors had to do on the 2nd day... By 6pm, there were more than 30 instructors with less than 70 campers... The instructors made a major ourselves... It was a pretty long but fun campfire i thought. Then instructors went out of the campsite after campfire to celebrate yx's bday.. It was damn funny to see them do stuff that i only do during seconday school... Then i drove out, sending the instructor out... Most of them walking, while i used my car to give them light while walking out.. P hopped onto my bonet while i drive and i sprayed my wiper water at him.. It was a damn hilarious sight... After that, sent K to buy nasi lemak for the instructors and sent R and Z to SP to wait for Z's uncle...

Went back and 2 chiefs gave the 5 odd instructors of us to do brain storming... LOL!!! it was a damn funny session though i dun like people to do stuff like this...

After we broke camp, went on to CCK for lunch and then to Re's place to play MJ... seems that his leg is getting bigger and bigger.. haas... the bandage got bigger lahs... Shared my tiles with K, but i was sleeping for almost 2 hours during the first 2 rounds of the games and we lost 12 bucks... haha at least it was 6 for each of us... K woke me up for pizza, Re's mom ordered pizza hut for us and we continued the 3rd round, i lost again!!! haha.. but it was more for the fun of it i believe...

Today is gonna be another day i see my camp friends... Meeting R and Z for lunch and shopping for the Genting trip... PCB for chong boon camp will be on later too..

OMG i am coughing super badly, think i need the doctor soon... Shall see if i've got time later to see a doctor...

In the mean time,

Gonna sign off...

Signing off,
Instructor Alfred

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