Saturday 29 March 2008

Chong Boon Sec...

Chong Boon Sec was one great camp i should say... the B-I-M-B-Os and One Fat boy was my highlight of the camp...

First day of camp, I WAS LATE!! and did not have a chance to eat my breakfast. asked instructor K to buy macs as he was riding into JBAC...
On the bus this fat boy (i shall call him S)... He started scolding the malay guys in his group pratically all the vulgarities that he knew and stuff... was just surprised that teachers said dun bother... reminds me of my secondary school days though... When we reached jbac i spoke to S and he was quite reluctant to be in this group coz he was seperated from his clique.. oh wells, usual same stuff... suddenly this 5 girls i call them the B-I-M-B-Os.. they started to get crazy when i teach them cheers.. bla bla bla first day ended after their night study... While i was doing my rounds at night, my knees went jelly and i sprained my ankle.. total sianded..
2nd day was just kayaking, cfp, zipline and NE.. Kayaking was still alright nothing much... CFP came when everyone was just trying to think of somehting and in the end this 5 boys came out with the soulja boy dance... and i added some adverts to it... and definately ended with my an noh neh cheer! was NE, when we were supposed to go out to conduct and in the end it was raining... i was trying to bring the story of the 2nd world war to them and one by one they started having war with mr zhou.. (a guy who everyone meets in their dream) so i decided to do station activities and do some trevias until it was clear from rain.. as i always say, rain keeps my students bonded somehow, just like hougang sec..
while it was raining, CAT I status was cleared and my girls did the zipline eventhough it was raining.. omg, zipline in the rain is really shiok lah!

Campfire! instructor J and Y came down in their subaru! haha.. My students were dying for J to come down coz she took them last year.. they were like where is intructor bunny!! i asked them to buy duracell battries first if not she come also cannot work..
luckily i bought my duracell battries, when she came in she helped me to push my ankle somehow... by end of day 2 it was as big as a pig's trotter... oh did i just forgot, centre manager cooked supper for us and i told her if she needed pig's trotter can look for me.. i was hopping and limping around on the 2nd day...
by day 3 it got well abit and oh yeah i did area cleaning in the dining hall... in my life in HA i only did area cleaning in at the campfire pit, never do dining hall before!!! in the end asked instructor YS and Instructor I to join me facilitate the cleaning, since they dint have anything on also... cleaning session became dance session and inspection failed! its always idiots like me in camp which makes the centre manager's blood boil... but luckily missy S was there and she told me abt the expectations of the dining hall... Chief I was so shocked to see the sudden chance within 10 minutes... haha!!
Had lunch with the rest and went for mj session with instructor K, instructor I and Instructor YS... oh had instructor WJ with us for mj also.. need one reserve to be there if not someone will start to sleep on the mj table already.. haha..
Here are some photos during CBSS..

my group

B-I-M-B-Os and Fat Boy

Anyone seen chief sebas?
Signing off
Instructor Alfred

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