Friday 7 March 2008

Instructor with P3 Kids in Sentosa...

It has been quite sometime since i last went to sentosa. Yesterday was a day event there.

Instructor C woke me up at 5.30am and told me she has left home to meet at JE mrt at 6am. I was still in a daze when i reached lakeside mrt waiting for the train, realising that it was already 6.05am.. haha.. LATE!

Met the rest at JE Mrt, Big Clock and went towards woodlands when M came on at CCK. Luckily we were not late when we reached woodlands. Met the other instructors. Walked down to this primary school in woodlands.

When i stepped into the school, Chief I told me that i would need to be an instructor instead of being a runner coz one instructor still sleeping. WTF!!! i had never met an instructor who PS at 6.30 am! Everyone started calling her for damn super many times, i think we called a total of 80 over miss calls. Wonder why the phone din't explode.

I had no choice bt to suck thumb and become a PRIMARY SCHOOL INSTRUCTOR. Most people know i cannot take primary school students. In the end i told my mirror instructor that she will run the show and i will take care of the discipline. So in a sense, we both take 40 students, she will do the programmes and i will handle the discipline stuff like scolding kids, making sure they do things the right way and stuff, while i also help the logistics stuff.

At 2 plus, a kid got a heat stroke and i had to call the ambulance. for 8 years my phone that i used, first time i called the ambulance with it.. shortly after that police called.. -.-///

ohwells.. overall the camp was quite good, on that i had to sattle t-shirts and food at the last part. oh i almost forgot to tell you, we had old chang kee curry puff for tea.. shiok eh....

today rot at home the whole day and decided to go down to wellington for campfire. picked Z, N and A up from yishun and went down to the school... the whole night was damn cool lahs... especially after supper, when all the helpers were having fun and of cause sharing.

hmm... spoke to C quite abit today, after long time. ohwells, dun think they did well in their As... bt come on instructors, its not the end of the world. be positive, i had my failure too, it was even worse when my only road was just ITE... make the best out of yourself yeah... T, C, YS, MQ, J, J, C.. All of you are positive people... come on go find your calling!

all the best people...

Signing off

Instructor Alfred

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