Monday 10 March 2008

Instructor Visits a Burnt Instructor..

The day which was long but fast.

Woke up at 8am to send my mom to work while i took the car to do my stuff. Supposed to do my poly admissions at SP and NP. Since i was going to meet a friend to go NP, i decided to go SP in the morning first. After enquiring my stuff at SP, i realised that she was STILL SLEEPING! So since she lives near newton, i decided to ask M for breakfast. So we went to River Valley... Shortly after that, she came and started talking to M abt tennis.

Sent M back to Newton Suites and headed to NP... She sattled her stuff while i sattle mine and we had nothing to do. So i decided to go down to SRC to collect my bowling ball and after that we had abit of a car ride looking at houses... AND SHE KNOWS TOMMY GOH's CHILD!!! FYI, Tommy Goh is like my idol who actually started a engineering company named, Just In Time (JIT). after getting it done, he sold it to Flextronics for 640 Million. OMG! And his house is damn big with his 5 cars. i really admire him and hes really my idol.

Ohwells, den after everything, went home to bring my sister for training while i had to send my friend to another school to sattle her stuff. It was all planned last minute and timing turned out quite well... Oh Did i just forgot abt my friend and i went to Island Creamy... FAVRIOUTE LA!!! She treated me to a single scoop and it was damn shiok... Did many other stuff and after that went over to meet the rest of the instructors with Z... We met up in pasir ris to visit R in Seng Kang...
Apprantly, R got himself burnt in GESS Campfire.. 2nd degree burn which was pretty bad though... Hang around until 12 plus...
Oh, and not forgetting that i now have a list of instructors who i can trust, telling my stuff.. For now its one Guy and one Girl... they both are really trusted people and have yet to lose it....

Signing Off
Instructor Alfred

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